I came to the conclusion days ago that I would try to think more positively, that I would try to be a better person. That I would try to like myself better, like myself more. My worrying about everything and thinking that everything is bad is dragging me down and it is emotionally draining. It is not to say that I wont still think things are bad or that I wont worry [because anyone who knows me knows how much I worry], but every day I am trying to think of things that I am grateful for. If I can only think of one thing on a bad day then perhaps that day wasn't so bad after all, then, was it?
I wonder if I am strong enough. I wonder if I can do it. I think that I will prevail. I wont let anyone drag me down. I look back on what used to be and I miss it greatly, but today is a new day and I hope that things will go my way this time. I hope that the rest of my semester here is what I make of it and that I can branch out, though this will be the hardest thing of all. I hope that my Summer is full of laughter and friendship and family. And I hope that in the Fall I will live with the two people I have been talking to about it to. It would be lovely to have someone around to teach me the guitar and it would be wonderful to have my inspiration around when I need it.
I have looked through old photos lately, ones that I thought I had lost and have found both laughter and tears, but I am grateful that they were found once again, because I like to relive this part of my past, even if its only through photos.
[This will be a very long, very image. That's your warning. :-) ].